Louroe Electronics is a company based in LA that specializes in audio monitoring technology and components to complete security systems. They carry a wide range of audio surveillance equipment for security systems such as microphones, speaker microphones, audio base stations, audio adaptors, audio monitoring kits, audio analytics, and accessories. Their components provide a line of level output and connection such as a 3.5 mm and RCA input/output to interface with various digital electronics such as a DVR, VCR, and more. Some of their most notable line of products include:
Many companies are not adequately protected because they rely on video with no audio for security. If your company’s security system is lacking the right audio component, consider the Louroe electronics. All products by Louroe electronics are made in the USA and come with high levels of product support. You can find Louroe Electronics security equipment used in various markets and industries such as law enforcement, financial and educational institutions, healthcare, gaming, retail, medical/child therapy, QSR/C-store, and transportation. Unsure of what you need? Let us know: at JMAC, we will be more than happy to help you out at (516) 812-0917 |