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How many Touchscreen Keypads work with each Vista Panel?

Last Updated: 11/06/2013
Most of Honeywell's Vista Panels support touchscreen keypads, like the Tuxedo Touch and the Tuxedo Touch WiFi. Below is a list of Vista Panels and the number of touchscreen keypads they support:

Vista 250BPT:  6
Vista 128BPT:  6
Vista 50P:  Not compatible with Touchscreen Keypads
Vista 21iP:  4
Vista 15P or 20P with 5.0 or higher software revision:   4
Vista 15P or 20P with a 3.0-5.0:  2
Vista 10P:  None/Not compatible with Touchscreen Keypads

Click Here to learn how to install a Tuxedo Touchscreen Keypad  

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