Carbon monoxide, Combustibles, and Toxic gases can be deadly. But you knew that already. Why? Because you're smart. And when it comes to protecting your home or office from harmful gases like these, you make the smart decision – you buy the best. And with Macurco, you just found it. With a wide range of high-quality residential and commercial gas detection products, Macurco can help bring safety, security, and peace of mind to your home or place of business.
With me so far? Good. So whether you're looking for control panel detectors to outfit a large, commercial facility or a stand-alone detector/controller for your home or small business, Macurco has what you need. With popular models, like the GD-2A, GD-6, and the CM-6, Macurco's products are a sure-fire detection solution. Maintain acceptable levels of carbon monoxide in any environment. Tie in to your existing security system, commercial automation, or HVAC system. Keep your employees and loved-ones safe from high-levels of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, propane, hydrogen, and natural gas. So now you know, when purchasing gas detection products, safety and quality are paramount. That's why you want the best. You need the best. And now, with Macurco, you can afford the best. So what's the best choice when it comes to reliable gas detection products? You're smart. You tell me.
The Macurco line of gas detectors include a wide variety of dependable, flexible and versatile fixed gas detectors for residential and commercial, as well as light industrial applications. The Macurco brand, formerly a part of the 3M line of products and now a part of the Aerionics product line, has been providing dependable gas detection devices for 40 years, with devices for detecting carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen, propane and methane gasses. If you need a reliable gas detection device for your residential or commercial security system, automation system or HVAC system, Macurco has the product you'll need.
WARNING: CARBON MONOXIDE CAN KILL YOU. That's right. In fact, 200 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning each year in the U.S. Many more suffer from it's symptoms, which include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, low energy, and even long-term heart damage. Carbon monoxide (CO) is colorless, tasteless, odorless, invisible to the naked eye, and toxic. Scared yet? I don't blame you. But it gets worse, because carbon monoxide is everywhere. It spews from car tail-pipes, leaks out of gas stoves, furnaces, water-heaters, dryers, and countless other fuel-burning appliances. It can sneak up on you if you aren't careful. Which is why carbon monoxide detectors, like the CM-6, are a must.
These small, electronic detection systems with selectable fan relays can constantly monitor the CO levels in your home or work area ' warning you with an alarm if and when unhealthy CO levels are reached. They can be wired into your office's central security system or act as a stand-alone device depending upon the square footage of the environment. Factory calibrated and reliable, these CO detectors will put your mind at ease and your residential or commercial work-space in good hands. Arm yourself. Don't let carbon monoxide sneak up on you.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors are required by law in many parts of the country, but beyond that, they help protect the health and livelihood of all of our loved ones. Macurco, one of the leading manufacturers of Carbon Monoxide and Gas Detectors, manufacturers a top-quality line of products including the Carbon Monoxide Detectors listed below. These detectors cross a wide range of applications for use in residential, commercial and light industrial applications, for protecting the people you care about most.
More reliable than a canary. Years ago ' sometime between the invention of the printing press and the dawn of the $5 coffee ' coal miners used to take canaries with them to work. That's right. The bird. Miners discovered that a canary could detect pockets of combustible gas in mine-shafts. When the bird became restless, it was a signal to the coal miners that the atmosphere in the mine was too volatile to work.
Fast forward to today: the canaries have flown the coup ' so to speak ' and have been replaced by electronic, combustible gas detectors like the awe-inspiring GD-2A. Whether for an office building, warehouse, or battery room, these detectors can help you monitor and control safe levels of combustible gas no matter what the environment. Detects methane, propane, and hydrogen gas better than any canary on the market ' and far less annoying. Guaranteed.
Macurco's line of Combustible Gas Detectors also feature combination Combustible Gas and Hydrogren Gas detectors that can detect both of the deadly gasses. These detectors also include versions that are stand-alone as well as versions designed to be tied into a system for optimal monitoring and performance.
Toxic gases may sound nasty, but that's only because they are. Breathing in toxic gas with a concentration of 200 ppm, like nitrogen oxide (commonly found in diesel exhaust) can cause death within one hour. This is serious stuff we're talking about here. And serious stuff calls for serious measures. That's where a toxic gas detector comes in. Able to monitor and maintain low-levels of toxic gas in the air, this detector will help make your parking garage, warehouse, or commercial building a safer place to breath. Whether you're looking to install in a large, commercial or residential location, we have the perfect product to fit your environment. So stop worrying. We've got you covered.
Macurco's line of Toxic Gas Detectors also feature combination Nitrogen Dioxide and Hydrogren Gas detectors that can detect both of the deadly gasses as well as amonia. These detectors also include versions that are stand-alone as well as versions designed to be tied into a system for optimal monitoring and performance.
Macurco's calibration gas is ideal for testing and verifying the correct operation of a Macurco Gas Detector, with replacement calibration gasses that will trigger an alarm state for a correctly functioning gas detector.