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Do I need to purchase a sim card for the GSMV4G Cellular Communicator?

Last Updated: 11/12/2013
No.  A SIM card is already installed in the GSMV4G Cellular communicator.

Therefore, buying another SIM card is unnecessary.  After you sign up for a monitoring service, you will need to contact your Honeywell dealer to activate the SIM card so the cellular communicator will function properly.  If you are switching dealers, the initial dealer must release the SIM card before you new dealer can reactivate it.

A SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) is...
a removable smart card that houses a SIM circuit.  The card is able to store personal data as well as a user identification number unique to a specific owner.  Devices that use SIM cards often require them to be inserted for the device to be operational.

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