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Will the IGSMV Communicator work with Total Connect 2.0?Last Updated: 11/06/2013 |
The IGSMV will work with Total Connect 2.0 if it has the proper revision software AND the control panel has the proper revision software. An IGSMV with a revision of 2.6.42 or higher is compatible with Total Connect 2.0. Anything older is not. The 7720P Programmer will help you find your IGSMV's revision. Connect the 7720 to the IGSMV, press Shift, then the "A" key. Your software revision should appear. If your revision is outdated, your only choice is to purchase a new communicator to get the new, Total Connect 2.0 service. However, most dual path communicators like the IGSMV already come with the necessary revision. Vista 15P and Vista 20P control panels require a revision of 9.12 or higher. This black, 1" square chip is located on the green circuit board. The letters WA15 or WA20 will be follow by a hyphen, and then the chip's revision number. If your revision is too old, you can use the IGSMV-TC2 upgrade kit to upgrade your control panel's revision. With the Vista 21iP, it is more common to install the GSM cellular communicator to achieve dual-path monitoring. Similar Products:
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