How do I change the code of my Lockey Key Safe Box?
2. Press the "B" button and then turn the knob to the left.
3. Remove the red screws in the bottom left and top right hand corner.
4. Carefully remove the plate.
5. Create a new combination (every combination must be 3-6 digits ending in the letter "B")
6. Arrange red (code) and blue (non-code) tumblers in the proper slots to build your code
7. Finally, replace the two red screws on the plate. Test the code before locking the safe! If your code doesn't work, then check to make sure the tumblers are correctly arranged.
8. Slide the safe back into the box, press "B", and turn the knob back to the left.
The Lockey Key Box is...
a stainless steel, portable safe built to house keys. The safe can be opened by entering a user combination code into the safe's push-button keypad.
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