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How do I install the TB175 Gate Closer?

Last Updated: 12/11/2013

Here's how to install the TB175 Gate Closer:

1. Measure roller position: Mark 8 3/4 inches from the edge of the column while securing the TB175 to the face of the gate door.
2. Remove the end cover.
3. Slide the closer groove over the roller and reinsert the end cover.
4. Make sure the closer is horizontally aligned and secure its bracket on the column with screws.
5. Carefully open the door just enough so the holding pin drops.
6. Open the door 45 degrees and adjust the closing speed.
7. Close the door, then adjust the latching speed.
8. For "hold open" mode: Remove the screw from slot "A" on the bracket and insert it in slot "B" on the gate closer.

Note: The TB175 can be used to open and close gates up to 125lbs.

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