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What is the distance gap between a 5811 sensor and its magnet?

Last Updated: 11/18/2013

The 5811 sensor and its magnet should be mounted less than 0.75 inches apart.

How the 5811 works:
The 5811 monitors the distance between the magnet and its sensor. This distance is referred to as the "magnet gap". When a magnet gap over 0.75 inches is observed, the system determines that the door/window access point has been opened, and an alarm will sound.

Mounting the 5811:

The 5811 sensor should be mounted to a door or window frame. Its magnet should be mounted on the movable part of the door or window. The closer the distance is to the 0.75 inch threshold, the more sensitive the 5811 will be. Make sure the sensor and magnet are less than 0.75 inches apart when the door or window is closed, otherwise the device will not work properly.

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