How do I program user codes on the L3000 LYNX Plus control panel?

The process is simple, but you will need to know the master code to your L3000 Plus. The default master code is usually (1234).

1. Changing a master code: Enter your master code into the L3000 keypad, followed by (8) and (02). Now type your new master code in twice.

2. Programming a new user code: Enter your master code, then (8), then an available user number field in the (03-08) range. Finally, enter your new user code.

3. Erasing a user code: Enter your master code, then (8), then the corresponding user code field you want to delete (03-08). Then type (#) and (0) to erase it.

The L3000 Plus supports up to 8 user codes.
Each code type is given its own number field. (01) is the installer code. (02) is the master code. Regular user codes are programmed into fields (03-06). Babysitter code is (07). The duress code is (08). Click here to learn what a duress code is used for.

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