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Should I install glass break detectors and motion sensors in my house?

Last Updated: 11/14/2013

Yes, because glassbreak sensors and motion sensors protect against certain intrusions that a window/door contact cannot.

For instance, if an intruder entered a home through a shattered glass window, the alarm would not trigger. That's where these other sensors and detectors come in. The glassbreak sensor would trigger an alarm the moment window glass was shattered. There are even shock sensors that are able to detect window pane vibrations consistent with the vibrations created by intruders in the process of breaking a window. If an intruder were to find an alternative way of accessing a house (other than a door or window), motion sensors would keep you and your family protected. On occasion, motion detectors can be triggered by the movement of pets, like cats or dogs. The technology isn't perfect but it's still worth investing in glassbreak and motion sensors to work alongside door and window contacts to ensure the safety of your home.

Similar Products:
5853 Wireless Glassbreak Detector
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