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Is it possible to get Total Connect to work with my Vista 15P or 20P?Last Updated: 11/07/2013 |
Yes! And usually all it takes is a communicator to upgrade your Vista 15p or Vista 20P to Total Connect. There are some older Vista panels that only work with Total Connect 1.0. In those rare cases, you would be required to purchase a new system. Otherwise, there are a couple different ways to go about making your Vista panel compatible with Total Connect 2.0. There's the option of purchasing specific upgrade chips for the Vista 20P and 15P, which is easy and straight forward. The GSMV4G-TC2 is another great way to go if you want to add cellular communication because it offers both the upgrade chip and cellular monitoring capability. However, to avoid purchasing the cellular monitoring, you can just purchase the PROM chip along with the 7847I Internet Communicator. Similar Products: |