You are here: Home > System Sensor > Spot Detection
We found 46 results matching your criteria.
  • Conventional CO/Smoke Detectors

    The i4 Series Combination CO/Smoke Detector and Interface Module is the first system-connected, combination solution for conventional fire and security systems. That means less wire, less labor, and less devices on the wall or ceiling.
  • Conventional Detector Accessories

    System Sensor conventional spot detection accessories increase product flexibility, simplify testing and maintenance, and enable you to meet a wide range of code and application requirements with your fire and life safety systems.
  • Conventional Detector Bases

    System Sensor offers a complete line of conventional bases and sounder bases to meet your application needs.
  • Conventional Heat Detectors

    Set to alarm when ambient temperatures reach a fixed point, typically indicating a fire, fixed-temperature heat detectors are a highly cost-effective solution for many property protection applications. If rapid response to fire is vital, rate-of-rise heat detectors are an ideal solution.
  • Conventional Smoke Detectors

    System Sensor is the world leader in commercial smoke detection. Our intelligent and conventional spot smoke detection lines provide the features and flexibility you need for your commercial fire or security system.
  • Intelligent Detector Accessories

    System Sensor intelligent spot detection accessories increase product flexibility, simplify testing and maintenance, and enable you to meet a wide range of code and application requirements with your fire and life safety systems.
  • Intelligent Detector Bases

    System Sensor offers a complete line of intelligent bases and sounder bases to meet your application needs.
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