Napco's Gemini GEM-P816 is a state-of-the-art microcomputer-based burglary and residential fire alarm control panel of modular design. Integrally an 8-zone panel, it will support up to 16 zones with the use of optional zone expansion modules, wireless receiver modules and/or GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypads. Each panel includes an integral digital communicator.
The control panel features programmable area partitioning. That is, the system may be divided into up to two discrete multiple-zone areas, each allowing access by only those users programmed for their respective area.
Opening Suppression and Closing Suppression, available through Napco Quickloader software, suppress reporting within programmed windows. Conversely, Exception Reporting can transmit a fail to close if the panel is not armed within programmed intervals and, similarly, a fail to open if the panel is not disarmed within programmed intervals. Furthermore, the panel can be programmed to automatically arm either area at any time. A log containing up to 400 events (accessible through Quickloader software) monitors control-panel activity referenced to a precision real-time clock. A detailed event history may be displayed at the computer, using Napcos PCD Windows Quickloader Software.
Keypads feature a liquid-crystal display for messages. In normal use, the LCD shows zone identification and status messages. Conventional LEDs and a sounder are also provided for annunciation.
Data may be quickly and easily downloaded to the control panel using a PC-compatible computer with Napco's PCDWindows Quickloader software and PCI2000 computer interface. Or, the panel may be programmed using the keypad in its secondary mode of operation. In the keypad programming modes (there are two: Dealer and User), the LCD shows memory address, data values, programming prompts, and the alphanumeric characters required for entering up to 16 user codes and custom zone descriptions.
Technical Specifications:
- Loop Current: 3mA without Zone Doubling, 2.4mA with Zone Doubling using a 2.2K Ohm end-of-line resistor (Model EOL2.2K); 5mA for 2-wire smoke-detector zones; 1.4 mA using a 3.9K Ohm resistor (Model EOL 3.9K) with Zone Doubling
- Loop Voltage: 10-13Vdc
- Remote Power Output: 12 VDC regulated (for keypads)
- Auxiliary Power Output: 11.7-12.5 VDC
- Programmable Negative Outputs: 2
- Alarm Voltage Output: 1
- Loop Resistance: 300 Ohm max.; 50 Ohm for 2-wire smoke-detector zones
- Input Power: 16.5-18.0 VAC via CLASS 2 Plug-In 20VA, 40VA or 50VA Transformer
- Operating Temperature: 0-49°C (32-120°F)
For more information about the Napco GEMP816, please
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