The GEM-P1664 Hybrid 8 to 64-Zone Control/ Communicator features 8 zones expandable to 64 zones with multiplexing and supports all standard Gemini RP and K-Series Keypads, plus new Gemini DK-Series Door-Style Keypads and new VPS Series talking multifunction keypads, as well as reliable, NAPCO Gemini crystal-control transmitters and receivers, too. Supporting up to 64 user codes and 16 relays, the GEM-P1664 control features easy menu driven Self-Programming Plus keypad programming (for all zones), which includes new alpha keypad question-prompts, even for setting test timer, fire zones and exit/entry and follower zones. Additionally, the panel can be remote up/downloaded using easy-to-use NAPCO Quickloader Software.
Technical Specifications:
- Combined Standby Current - See WI1501
- Remote Power Output: 12 VDC regulated
- Auxiliary Power Output: 11.7-12.5 VDC
- Alarm Voltage Output: 1; Programmable Negative Outputs: 2
- Loop Resistance: 300 Ohm max.; 50 Ohm for 2-wire smoke detector zones
- Loop Current: 3mA; 5mA for 2-wire smoke-detector zones
- Input Power: 16.5-18.0 VAC via Class 2 Plug-In 20VA, 40VA or 50VA Transformer
For more information about the Napco GEMP1664, please
contact us.